Türkiye ‘nin Yeni Nesil Geçiş Kontrol Platformu İle
Tek Noktadan Kişilerinizi, Cihazlarınızı ve Kapılarınızı Yönetin
Get rid of the wiring and Desktop Program.
GecKO Access Control System readers only need electricity at the point of application, thanks to their ability to work with Wifi & Sim Card in our control units. All processes, including identifying people and cards, sending mobile application invitations, transferring and viewing the time spent by the staff at the workplace, are done through our cloud software.
An additional on-board computer is not required.
Kolay Entegrasyon
24.000 +
Günlük Geçiş
8.000 +
5.000 +
Mobil App
2.000 +
Günlük Ziyaretçi
Kullanım Alanları
GecKO Business esnek yapısı, bulut sistemin vermiş olduğu özgürlük ve eşsiz çalışma kolaylığı sayesinde tüm sektörlerde geçiş kontrol ve personel devam kontrol sistemi olarak kullanılabilmektedir.
Tarımsal Alanlar
Zincir Marketler
İnşaat Şantiyeleri
Banka Şubeleri
Enerji Santralleri
Güvenlikli Tesisler
Zincir Mağazalar
Sosyal Tesisler
Toplu Yaşam Alanı
Temizlik, Bakım Kontrol Alanları
Vardiyalı Çalışmalarınızı Kolayca Planlayın.
Standart veya vardiyalı tüm puantaj çeşitlerini kolayca planlayabilir, ay içerisinde puantajda yapılması gereken değişiklikleri kısa sürede yapabilirsiniz.
Görsellerde Yer Alan Bilgiler Gerçek Değildir.
Personel Devam Kontrol Sistemi PDKS Sayfalarını Görmek İçin Tıklayınız.
Create invitations for your visitors.
With GecKO Business, you can create invitations for your visitors. Your invitation is sent to your visitor via sms. Each invitation contains a link, and when your visitor clicks on the link, he or she reaches the Qr Code that is created specifically for him and is renewed every 5 seconds. After the approval of the security personnel at the entrance, your visitor will reach you with this code only by passing through the authorized doors.
Why QR Code Pass?
Card, Keychain etc. There is no need to carry a product. There is no question of forgetting the pass.
Card, keychain, tag etc. There is no after-sales cost.
Since the Pass Card is the person's smartphone, there is almost no risk of changing hands.
The Qr Code in our application is renewed every 10 seconds. Passage with expired code is not allowed.
It does not contain personal data in QR Reader and panel or qr code. It contains a unique code that only the system can recognize.
The mobile application pairs with the phone at first installation. Afterwards, it cannot be run on another device with the same user information.
The mobile application can store contact information, photo, location, etc. on your phone. does not reach or request any data.
GecKO Business
Project Configuration Table And Properties
The scalable technology of GecKO Business has been built with the flexibility to serve from an office to a plaza with hundreds of companies, to chain stores with branches at many points throughout the country.
It controls all the waypoints in the Project Common area. Restricts forbidden areas.
Project records visitor passes. Instantly displays visitor and staff passes in the common area. (Security panel)
The firm controls all transit points in its independent section.
A company cannot see the other company's passes, personnel information and cannot control the waypoints.
The company may restrict the entry times of its units and the doors through which it can pass within the company.
The company displays in detail the time spent by its personnel in all of the areas with the reader installed in the company.
Ekşioğlu Çamder Sitesi
Resort & Residence
Beach Club
Family Resort
Orka Lotus Beach
Rubi Hotel
Omya Madencilik
Atık Yakma Enerji Üretim
Güven Holding